                   Some people may agree, some people may disagree. However, I agree. If you're rich, it doesn't mean you're happy. I often see conflicts arising in rich families due to money distribution. In many dramas, well even real life, the daughters/sons will always kiss up to their parents and pretend to be a good child, just so they can receive a lager portion of money when the parents pass away. What good is that?

                   This from my personal experience. My uncle died due to lung cancer. Why did he get cancer? Because of wanting a lot of money! What I mean is he over-worked.  No matter of it's weekends or weekdays, he will always work overtime, never taking a break. He wanted to work because it was all for the money. Yes, he has a lot of money, but he can't spend it or use it now! What's the point? Now, his wife can just run away and take all the money to herself. She's not a very nice aunt...

                    Although there are many poor people in the world, where they can't afford three meals a day, or clean water, they still can live a happy life! So what if you have a lot of money, you can spend it all in less than a minute. Just gambling kills many people in this world, depleting your money in seconds. Having too much money could be a negative thing, since you don't know how to spend it. 

PicturePainting by a professional artist- Ann Marie
             I always dream of the weirdest things: Raining krabby patties, the sky turning black, having a cat fight with my little brother, dreaming of a blue rose tree, being lost in a desert and  many more weird ones that I don't remember.

            A few times, I dreamed of driving my dad's car and a random motorcycle on the 401, even though I can't drive! I think I crashed into a car once in my dream....Another car-related dream is I got into the car, then it started driving automatically to my elementary school, although I'm in high school now! I remember the car almost hit a crossing guard. Those dreams were freaky.

             Here comes the weirdest one: A snowy owl with a height of 170 feet shooting  fire arrows from its mouth! Awesomely cool or what? It was trying to burn down a school that is 10 minutes away from my house- St. Benny's. The owl was kind of cute though. o.o It was quite a vivid sight. The owl aimed for Fast Eddies.  Next, it aimed for my sister and I! We were just running for our lives down the street, then guess what happened? The alarm woke me up. -.-" I actually wanted to continue that dream.....

             Another dream I had was there were at least ten rabbits living in my basement. What's funny is it's the same type of rabbit that I used to raise, but it ran away. It's a black and white rex rabbit. Now, I really miss my rabbit. I named it Lucky.  :(

               Want to hear another dream? The buttons of a random elevator  were animals, not numbers.... I remember pressing the elephant button then suddenly, the person standing beside me, my sister just disappeared! At first, I didn't know where she ended up, but then this random person told me she was in the hospital. I don't know how or what happened in that dream. It was quite scary. It appears that my sister fainted.

              Last  dream I want to share is related to manga/anime. The anime is Naruto. For whatever reason, I was Guy Sensei and I was fighting with Rock Lee. Then, I summoned nine tails. (which sounds very ironic) Instead of nine tails helping me fight Rock Lee, it turned against me and attacked me. I'm not sure if I ended up dead because my stupid alarm woke me up!! I really wanted to know what would happen next! That's the end of my dream telling. Now, tell me about your wicked awesome dreams!

            Angela Lee's TEDtalk was about success and failure, with grit being the key to success. What is grit? It is passion and perseverance, sticking with your future for not just days or months, but sticking with it for years to make it reality. Angela makes a good comparison of this to a marathon. Success is measured by how hard you work and how long you work, and I completely agree with this fact. She talks about how failure is a motivation to get you to succeed, and failure is not a permanent condition. Having grit makes you more successful in terms of graduating.  Grit is unrelated to talent, social intelligence and IQ. It's all about sticking with your long term goals with passion and perseverance.  Failure or success? Your pick!

           What does it mean to fail? No one likes to fail at all. How do you know that you will fail unless you try? Failing is when you don't give your best effort in something like writing a test or doing a project. Failing means to give up, not trying and quitting. People see failure as a negative thing, but it actually means finding a million ways that won't work! It's a motivation for you to keep trying until you succeed. Failing is not the end of the world; you have another chance to try again. You must fail in order to succeed. It gives you the opportunity to improve and find your weaknesses.

            People are always looking for new and updated gadgets, especially phones. Two of the most common phones that people buy are the iPhone and Blackberry. I much prefer an iPhone over a Blackberry, due to the reason that it's an Apple product. This may sound ironic, but I'm debating that Blackberry smartphones are better than iPhones. Now remember, I don't own any of the two phones so I can't really have a say which phone is the best. If you don't have a phone, I may persuade you into getting a blackberry...wait and see.

           Does the iPhone really bring you happiness? If so, why are they up for sale on Ebay within a few days?  As a result of contrasting both Apple’s iPhones and RIM’s Blackberries, I found the Blackberry is far more superior than the iPhone. There are plenty of smartphones out there in the world, but the Blackberry beats all.

                You don’t want to always fix your broken screens, buy costly phone covers, or get bankrupt for replacing your shattered phones. So, choose the awesome Blackberry over the worthless iPhone. Ten basic things how the Blackberry beats the iPhone: The red indicator light notifying you have an unread message, excellent grip, easy to add email addresses, a Canadian Company, very durable, extremely fast, long battery life, not easily scratched, easy to use physical keyboard or touch-screen,  and it has good sound quality as well as good  call quality.
                Having to watch your iPhone slip out of your hands and crash onto the ground, with its screen shattered into pieces is a frightening sight. This happens to many people who own iPhones. You are almost required to buy a case for your iPhone- unless you have a death grip on your phone at all times. I mean, do you wear your iPhone around your neck, or is it hidden in your pocket 99% of the time like everyone else?

               However, with Blackberries, it’s a different story.  No matter if it’s a BlackBerry z10, BlackBerry Bold or a BlackBerry Curve, they have excellent grip. It’s solid and sturdy and you don’t even have to waste money on buying costly covers for your phone!  Also, it is more scratch-free than the iPhone. There were reports of iPhone 5 units being scratched right out of the box. A number of people found the coating was easily scratched off around the edges, revealing the silver aluminum beneath. One word that describes the iPhone- fragile.

               Many of the Blackberry phone models have QWERTY keyboards that give you an option to type physical on a keyboard or on a touch-screen keyboard. IPhones only have touchscreen keyboards, which may lack in sensitivity more than half of the time that will tend to irritate many people. Unresponsive touchscreen is always a problem with iPhones. Not only has that, but iPhones often freeze, well, more than Blackberries.

                Blackberry smartphones are lightning fast- probably one of the fastest smartphones ever. It takes less time to get to emails, open apps, and load apps in less time than the slow iPhones. Ever had the experience where apps stutter and takes millions of seconds to load with the iPhones? With Blackberries, you can save several of minutes, seconds and even fractions of a second.

                Unlike any iPhones, Blackberries have the flashing red light or colourful light that is the best notification system on the planet! It’s a little blinking light that flashes periodically, that notifies you have a message or new email. Little things can make a huge difference.

                Talking about battery life, the battery lasts forever on the Blackberry. You can leave data network on and apps running, without having to drain your battery nearly as much as the iPhone. Your phone is completely useless if the battery is dead.
                Sure, Apple is known for their App Store, but that’s it. You like your phone for its communication features, not for playing games. Blackberry’s e-mail system, keyboard and indicator light all make the communication process a more efficient one.  Even blackberry fruits are more efficient than apples. People like Jennifer Lopez and Will.I.Am uses Blackberry smartphones, why don’t you?

Did I convince you? (^__^)d

PictureThe Inside Ride at GCI!
                 Yesterday, a meaningful event called the Inside Ride came to my school, GCI. What is the Inside Ride? It is a fundraiser to make a difference to children with cancer! There are teams consisting of six people, where each of them are responsible for getting pledges and during the actual event, each of the team members ride on a stationary bike for ten minutes each.  At the end of the two-hour event, there were medals awarded for the farthest distance rode, best team spirit and best costumes.

                 Although I wasn't actually part of the event, I still attended the event to cheer on for my friends and classmates! The Inside Ride was held on the second floor, but the event was so insane that noises could heard from the first and third floor! That is when I decided to see what's happening at the last hour of the event.  As I stepped in the big gym where the event was held, the music gets louder and louder, echoing  throughout the gym. It was amazing to see that each team had its own unique costumes and team name. The team I decided to cheer for was called Zombie something Bakers...? It was a fairly lengthy name for the team that I have forgotten and each them were wearing white toques. Others dressed up as different heroes, colours of the rainbows and many of the riders made their own creative costumes.

                 The event was insane! The music and the spirit added to the insanity. It wasn't just the students participating in the event, but the teachers were doing the event as well! People were jumping up and down, dancing, circling around their team member as they take turns riding for ten minutes on the bike. It was like a massive dance party and a bike riding competition since everyone's energy levels were intense! Everyone was yelling, cheering, screaming and singing along to the songs that were played. Things started to heat up when Gangnam Style and Harlem Shake were played. There was someone dressed up as a banana doing Harlem Shake, which was amazing because he got awarded for that even though he wasn't part of the actual event. It was nice to see many volunteers helping out for a great cause. Overall, the Inside Ride was very successful! 

              Everyone has heard of failure leads to success. An average human being makes mistakes like everyone does, no matter if they are smart or stupid. People who are successful has gone through many failures. You must fail in order to reach the next level of success. 

             Failing gives you the opportunity to improve and find your weaknesses. If you failed once, try again. If you fail twice, try again. Try until you are successful. Sometimes you cannot be successful in one shot. People don't expect you to be able to serve the volleyball over the net or shoot a basket in the hoop on your first try. Don't ever give up, because perseverance is the answer. If you failed, your life is not over.

             The quickest road to success is to have a positive attitude towards failure. Fearing and being frustrated with your failure won't get you anywhere in life. Now that you have gained some experience, make a new approach.You can take risks or test out something new. Learn from the mistakes that you have made in order to never run into them again. 

             Failure to success is like practice to perfection. If you practice, you'll get better and better at it. Your hard work will eventually payoff in the end because hard work leads to success. Failure is just the beginning of success!

A majestic tree,
Standing tall and free,
With its pink flowers,
Attracting eyes with its powers,
Brightens up the view.

Gorgeous as it can be,
For a pleasant scene we see,
Makes us mesmerized by the beautiful sight,
As it is blossoming in delight,
Being blown in the gentle breeze.

The sweet smell  fills the air,
The sun adds to the flare,
Its delicate petals peek,
Nothing more than what I seek,
Pink flowers glow softly. 

                 Thirteen Reasons Why is a novel written by Jay Asher and he has won many awards for this book. I have mentioned before that it's hard for me to read a book and really get into it. Most of the times, I would read a few chapters, then give up on the book. But for this novel, it's a different story. I couldn't put down the book because it was that good! So far, the first three chapters I've read are very thrilling. Every single page of this book is addicting.

                 For a quick summary of what I've read so far, Clay Jensen received a shoebox stored with thirteen cassettes that was left on his porch. He listens to the first tape and realized that a girl named Hannah Baker ended her life and there are thirteen reasons why she decided to take that action. Each side of a tape involves a person. So far, the people revealed are Justin Foley, Alex Standall, Jessica Davis, Tyler Down and Courtney Crimsen. There are still eight people involved that included Clay himself. Each of these people hurt Hannah in someway.

                 The style of this book was written very well. I liked how the author wrote each chapter tape by tape. This makes things easier because each tape is about a person, explaining the reasons why that person lead to Hannah's suicide. I was able to understand the story because the use of language was simple. I liked how the author italicized Hannah's speech so I can differentiate between Hannah's and Clay's. I did not get confused and I was able to follow along every detail as the book unfolded.

                 Even though I am not close to half way through the book, I would consider this novel as one of the best book I have ever read. I am looking forward to read more of the book to find out who is included in the tapes and when Clay Jensen will appear in the tapes. I have a feeling that he will appear on cassette number thirteen, which is the last one.      

                This novel really teaches me how a little action or a joke can affect someone's life; it can potentially ruin their life! What started out as a joke ruined a friendship, and a rumour that is not true can ruin a friendship as well. This mostly happens in high school because everyone is so immature. What I don't understand is people are biased on one perspective, but they never find out the real truth. They believe the rumors, but they don't don't believe friends like how Jessica didn't believe Hannah.

             Again, for the millionth time, someone said to me that it's really sad that I still don't have clue what I'm going to be when I grow up. Honestly, I can't see my future at all- or should I say I won't even have one. I'm really lost. My mother, my father, my aunt, my cousin and my friends have asked me the same question, "What do you want to do when you grow up?" countless times. And yet, every time I would give them a blank stare and utter the words "I don't know." Apparently, I am prohibited from saying "I don't know" because I use it too often to answer questions asked by my parents. I think their joking though. 

              Well, I'm fifth-teen right now and I guess I still have time to ponder about this...But some people are already planning their career ahead of time! Some of my friends and classmates have decided what courses they're going to take in grade twelve, even though they are going into grade eleven next year. On the contrary, I still don't know what career path I'm going to follow so I chose all the hard courses for grade eleven such as university biology, chemistry and physics, hoping that I will show some interest in one of those subject areas. 

              Others have asked me have I decided what university to go to. I don't know what I'm going to study in the future and now you're asking what university to go to....Also, I have little knowledge of what universities or colleges that exist. If I were to have a post-secondary education, I would probably choose a college/university that is close to my home due to the fact that living in the dorms seems kind of "isolated". The one university that keeps coming up is Harbour. From what I heard, Harbour is the best university in the world. People think I should go there because of my marks, but in my opinion, marks don't matter that much! I think that being interested in that area you want to study matters most! I may be wrong, so you can disagree with me. 

               One thing that bothers me is that my younger sister says she wants to become an artist and my cousin wants to become a doctor. Yes, they have a goal now but will it stay consistent? For the next 5 or 10 years, will they still stick to what they want to become? Or give up on that career choice and choose something else? Another thing that bothers me is some people will be in college/university studying medical or whatever, then they will drop out and study another course, then they drop out again. I feel like I'm getting off topic... Anyways, my advice: Decide what you are going to study in your post-secondary education so you're not wasting time and money! If you find yourself not interested in studying, immediately leave and choose a different path. I really need to start thinking about this...